
Thursday, January 20, 2011

Search for Fossil on Mars

After four decades running, now Mars mission enters new phase. Exploration is initially much struggling in water searches, are now widespread in the search for signs of life on the red planet.
"We will enter the transition from mission to mission in search of water looking for signs of life," said Doug McCuistion, director of NASA's Mars Exploration Program at the panel discussion at the National Air and Space Museum in Washington last week.
New phase of Mars exploration began in line with the launch of NASA spacecraft, Curiosity. Spacecraft is different from the Spirit and Opportunity, launched earlier because of smaller size.
However, this does not mean less sophisticated aircraft. Curiosity will be charged more complex instruments. In addition, this spacecraft will be equipped with a chemical laboratory on board.
Curiosity will also be equipped with "chemical camera." McCuistion said, the tool can shoot the laser at the rock and create a plasma that can he analyzes so that it can identify the sample.
In a sign of life was finding mission, the search for organic compounds become important agenda done. Compounds that could be indicative of or had any life on Mars.
"One of the key questions that we ask is, where the organic compounds that exist," said Jennifer Eigenbrode, scientists from NASA's Goddard Space Flight Center in Greenbelt, USA.
Answer it, researchers reveal the logic of that life which may never be able to leave the organic compounds. Just as animals leave fossils, microorganisms can also leave traces of their existence.
Eigenbrode said, "Under certain conditions, organic compounds (which are formed on the carbon bond) could be preserved. It's called molecular fossils." For example, there is in the form of microorganisms that preserved the cell membrane.
Curiosity will be equipped with equipment that can detect these molecular fossils. So, Curiosity can find microorganisms as small life forms that exist on Mars.
Although equipped with advanced equipment, barriers still exist in the study. Not primarily in terms of inadequate equipment, but on limited knowledge or concepts mastered.
One of them about organic compounds. If later is found, this compound is not necessarily a sign there life on Mars. Therefore, it could have come from meteorites compounds formed through geological processes or Mars.
Second is the notion of life. For example, currently understood that living beings are always in need of water. But, whether it is true? Is there no other compounds, such as methane, which can support life?
Related to this last, the European Space Agency (ESA) and NASA in 2016 will work together carrying out a mission to Mars. The goal is to find methane, digging the surface of Mars to find life forms that may exist.

Sunday, January 16, 2011

Biggest Black Hole in Universe was found

The biggest black hole in the universe have been found with heavy 6.8 billion times the mass of the Sun. So big, the hole is said to be able to swallow the Earth and its entire contents of the solar system.

With the size of the horizon, it is estimated the entire contents of the solar system can not run away from the edge of this, including even light. For comparison, the magnitude can reach four times the orbit of the planet Neptune.

The black hole is located in M87. So far, he is the biggest galaxy closest to the Milky Way. The distance is estimated about 50 million light years from Earth and is still not known when the 'monster' was born.

Given the size is very huge, some scientists think the hole was created by hundreds of black holes merge into one in the past.

"He could swallow our solar system," said Karl Gebhardt, a scientist from the University of Texas, Austin-USA, as quoted from All Voices, Sunday, January 16, 2011.

A special telescope in Hawaii used by scientists to observe an object which is estimated to have weighed more than double the previous. With these telescopes, Gebhardt and his team are able to observe space objects up to a distance of 500 km.

"And, this giant black hole is a black hole and Accurate termasif we've ever found,"said astronomer George Djorgovski of the California Institute of Technology in Pasadena.

Farthest galaxy clusters has been found

National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) and international team of astronomers found the farthest galaxy clusters in the universe. Clusters are named Cosmos-Aztec3 12.6 million years away from Earth and is the youngest galaxy clusters ever found.
Aged more than 12 billion years, the cluster was formed 1 billion years after the Big Bang.
- Bahram Mobasher

Professor Bahram Mobasher of the University of California who are involved in the study said, the cluster is a cluster of galaxies that are in the process of formation, called proto-clusters.
This galaxy cluster is described as a collection of small towns. At one point, the small galaxies will coalesce to form larger galaxies, such as a small town that grew into a metropolitan. Or it could be called a primitive galaxy clusters that will evolve into modern galaxies.

Cosmos-Aztec3 was discovered and characterized by a variety of telescopes, ranging from the Chandra X-Ray Observatory and the James Clerk Maxwell, until Japan's Subaru telescope and NASA's Hubble and Spitzer. Each telescope is used for characterization of different purposes.

The discovery of this cluster is quite surprising because observations with Chandra X-ray found a black hole is 3 million times more massive than the sun. It was not commonly found in clusters of galaxies that are still young as Cosmos-Aztec3.

Another surprising thing is, the whole object in a cluster that has a mass of more than 400 billion sun. Clusters of galaxies are also very active, rich in cold gas, grow with significant speed, and able to form a star 4000 each year.

Cosmos-Aztec3 known to lie in the constellation Sextans. His name was taken from a search mission, namely Cosmos (Cosmic Evolution Survey). Meanwhile, the Aztec is the name of the camera located at the James Clerk Maxwell Telescope at Manua Kea, Hawaii.

The findings are published in the latest edition of the journal Nature. The team of researchers involved in this research was also present at the annual meeting of the American Astronomical Society being held this week in Seattle, the United States.

Thursday, January 13, 2011

Internal Structure of the Moon

Apollo Data Revealed Moon's Internal Structure

NASA deployed the frist seismographs on the moon as part of the Apollo Mission in 1969. These seismographs collected data and enabled researchers to determine that the moon's structure consisted of a thin crust of about 65 kilometers, a mantle about 100 kilometers thick and a core with a radius of about 500 kilometers. At that time seismic data processing was not advanced enough to determine the characteristics of the core.

NASA researchers have recently applied state-of-the-art seismological techniques applied to the Apollo-era data and discovered that the moon probably has a core that is very similar to earth's.

Moon's Formation and Magnetic Field

Uncovering details about the lunar core is critical for developing accurate models of the moon's formation. The data sheds light on the evolution of a lunar dynamo -- a natural process by which our moon may have generated and maintained its own strong magnetic field.

The team's findings suggest the moon possesses a solid, iron-rich inner core with a radius of nearly 150 miles and a fluid, primarily liquid-iron outer core with a radius of roughly 205 miles. Where it differs from Earth is a partially molten boundary layer around the core estimated to have a radius of nearly 300 miles. The research indicates the core contains a small percentage of light elements such as sulfur, echoing new seismology research on Earth that suggests the presence of light elements -- such as sulfur and oxygen -- in a layer around our own core. 

Data from Apollo-Era Seismometers

The researchers used extensive data gathered during the Apollo-era moon missions. The Apollo Passive Seismic Experiment consisted of four seismometers deployed between 1969 and 1972, which recorded continuous lunar seismic activity until late-1977.

"We applied tried and true methodologies from terrestrial seismology to this legacy data set to present the first-ever direct detection of the moon's core," said Renee Weber, lead researcher and space scientist at NASA's Marshall Space Flight Center in Huntsville, Ala.

The team also analyzed Apollo lunar seismograms using array processing, techniques that identify and distinguish signal sources of moonquakes and other seismic activity. The researchers identified how and where seismic waves passed through or were reflected by elements of the moon's interior, signifying the composition and state of layer interfaces at varying depths.

Comparison with Apollo-Era Results

Although sophisticated satellite imaging missions to the moon made significant contributions to the study of its history and topography, the deep interior of Earth's sole natural satellite remained a subject of speculation and conjecture since the Apollo era. Researchers previously had inferred the existence of a core, based on indirect estimates of the moon's interior properties, but many disagreed about its radius, state and composition.

A primary limitation to past lunar seismic studies was the wash of "noise" caused by overlapping signals bouncing repeatedly off structures in the moon's fractionated crust. To mitigate this challenge, Weber and the team employed an approach called seismogram stacking, or the digital partitioning of signals. Stacking improved the signal-to-noise ratio and enabled the researchers to more clearly track the path and behavior of each unique signal as it passed through the lunar interior.

"We hope to continue working with the Apollo seismic data to further refine our estimates of core properties and characterize lunar signals as clearly as possible to aid in the interpretation of data returned from future missions," Weber said. 

New Data From the GRAIL Mission

Future NASA missions will help gather more detailed data. The Gravity Recovery and Interior Laboratory, or GRAIL, is a NASA Discovery-class mission set to launch this year. The mission consists of twin spacecraft that will enter tandem orbits around the moon for several months to measure the gravity field in unprecedented detail. The mission also will answer longstanding questions about Earth's moon and provide scientists a better understanding of the satellite from crust to core, revealing subsurface structures and, indirectly, its thermal history.

The Research Team

In addition to Weber, the team consisted of scientists from Marshall; Arizona State University; the University of California at Santa Cruz; and the Institut de Physique du Globe de Paris in France. Their findings are published in the online edition of the journal Science.

NASA and other space agencies have been studying concepts to establish an International Lunar Network -- a robotic set of geophysical monitoring stations on the moon -- as part of efforts to coordinate international missions during the coming decade.
press release by NASA

Highest Mountain in the World

What you know about the highest mountain in the world?
This is the answer.

Mount Everest:
The "Highest Altitude"

Almost everyone knows that Mount Everest is the highest mountain in the world and climbers from everywhere travel to Everest hoping to earn the distinction of climbing the "World's Highest".

The peak of Mount Everest is 8,848 meters (29,028 feet) above sea level. This high elevation gives Mount Everest the distinction of being the mountain with the highest altitude.

Mauna Kea:
The "Tallest Mountain"

Mauna Kea has an altitude of 4,205 meters (13,796 feet) - much lower than Mount Everest. However, Mauna Kea is an island and if the distance from the bottom of the nearby ocean floor to the peak of the island is measured, then Mauna Kea is taller than Mount Everest.

Mauna Kea is over 10,000 meters tall compared to 8,848 meters for Mount Everest - making it the world's tallest mountain.

"Highest Above Earth's Center"

Chimborazo in Ecuador has an altitude of 6,310 meters (20,703 feet). Mount Everest has a higher altitude and Mauna Kea is "taller". However, Chimborazo has the distinction of being the highest mountain above Earth's center.

This is because Earth is not a sphere - it is an oblate spheroid. As an oblate spheroid, Earth is widest at it's equator. Chimborazo is just one degree south of Earth's equator and at that location it is 6,384 kilometers from Earth's center or about 2 kilometers farther from Earth's center than Mount Everest.

Star Guide the Evolution of the Universe

For years, astronomers do not know anything about what happened during the "dark period" of the universe. That period is a period between the predicted big bang occurred 13.7 billion years ago with the creation of the first stars in the universe.

However, now a little enlightenment comes from the findings of scientists at Cambridge University, England, and California Institute of Technology, USA. They found the remains of the first stars that created the explosion of a star along with evidence in the form of clouds of gas.

Professor Max Pettini of Cambridge Institute of Astronomy are involved in the research said, "We have effectively track what happens in 'the darkness' by using the light that emitted a kuasar."

He continued, "We found a small number of elements in the residual gas cloud explosion of one of the first stars were present in very different proportions with the relative proportions that are found in stars today."

Pettini said, the ratio of carbon and iron contained in the gas cloud 35 times larger than that contained in the sun. Meanwhile, it also shows that the gas cloud caused by the explosion of a star that size 25 is larger than the sun.

Pettini who is a researcher at the Cambridge Institute for Astronomy explained, "These (gas clouds) is a fossil that can tell us trace the missing in the early formation of the universe."

He said the first star that provides the key to how the universe evolved from an environment rich in hydrogen and helium into oxygen-rich environment elements, carbon, and iron.

Facts About Space Travel

You aspire to become an astronaut? Or dreamed want to take a walk into space? Do not merely think of beautiful things beautiful. As quoted from the Discovery, there are several facts that "interesting" about the trip out of Earth's.

- Living Wreck
Research and space exploration have sacrificed a life of living beings, especially animals. If you think the expense of monkeys and dogs in the laboratory testing the name of science on Earth, is bad enough, imagine this.
A number of early space missions involving the procedure of re-entry into Earth. Unfortunately, not all succeed the space shuttle. It is estimated that, now more carcasses of dogs and simian, monkey species similar to humans, which has become a mummy continue to orbit the Earth until now.
- Air Leakage
Russian cosmonaut Alexei Leonov was the first walk in space in 1965 then. Unfortunately he was experiencing air leakage and experiencing stiff fabric that is not anticipated.
Material rigidity costume he attempted to force back into the capsule with difficulty. He was forced to reduce pressure inside the costume with a material risk that squash her into the costume.
Not finished there, Voskhod, which he rode the plane missed the point and landed near the Ural mountains. He was forced to remain inside the space capsule was inside until help arrives. Outside, the hungry wolf is waiting.
- Toilet
On May 5, 1961, astronaut Alan Shepard prefers to pee in my pants on the plane Freedom 7 that he was traveling. Andrew Chaikin, author describing the special outer space, travel in orbits so horrible.
He wrote that the toilet in space is shaped like a hat with a layer of packing tape on the edges. Astronauts need to apply or provide anti-bacterial coating after he was shitting.
Advice for the astronauts who had to meet the call of nature is: naked, prepare about one hour, and bring lots of Kleenex. Do it as soon as possible before the urine froze.
- Sudden decompression
Three of the astronauts Soyuz 11 died when the plane took off when air pressure will go back into the atmosphere. In 1965, a technician from the Johnson Space Center, Houston, USA managed to live and tell the similar experience.
When he was in a vacuum chamber, an accident happens and by accident, space costumes that he used to lose pressure. Before he lost consciousness, which he felt was the sensation he feels moist on the tongue feels like a boil.

Alien not a threat to Religion

Evidence of the existence of extraterrestrials (aliens), who delivered many experts, is no longer surprising people. No longer a man to panic. Why? The answer is that technology advances so quickly.

Leading psychologist, Dr Albert Harrison of the University of California Davis asserts that in 1961, the U.S. government has warned that evidence of the existence of aliens would create public panic.

But now the warning is no longer relevant. Modern man, says Harrison, it was happy or even the existence of aliens do not care if it's been proven. Advances in technology make the news about the alien is no longer scary.

"The discovery of ETI (extra-terrestrial intelligence) is not so surprising for a generation accustomed to the word-processing machines, electronic calculators, avatar and mobile phones," said Harrison as published in the journal Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society.

Generation technologies, he added, "Unlike the generation that grew accompanied typewriter, rulers, slide rules, a public phone."

He added, people are already accustomed to the idea of ET since Alien seekers organization, the SETI (Search for Extra-Terrestrial Intelligence), claiming to hear an alien radio signals 50 years ago.

So terbisanya with aliens, half the population of the United States and Europe believe aliens do exist, and some even believe UFO sightings are reported to have anything to do with aliens coming to Earth.

The second article in the same journal written by Ted Peters, Pacific Lutheran theologian Theological Seminary in Berkeley, California.

In his article, Peters said, the discovery of aliens is not a threat to the world's religions.

This is based on a 1300 survey of different faiths around the world. "Clearly, the majority of religious adherents, regardless of what their religion, do not see contacts with space aliens as a threat to their beliefs."

Evolution expert Professor Simon Conway Morris of Cambridge University believes should. According to him, the possibility of human-like intelligent beings in outer space is very small.

If evolution occurs in every part of the universe, there can be no sky explorers who came from the older part of the universe.

"That does not happen, and will not happen. We never visited by aliens, and did not bother to make a welcoming committee for them." "They do not exist, and our own."

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Toyota Prius is number one in the World

As we know, the bestseller in hybrid car is Toyota Prius. Despite success, Toyota Motor Corporation has not been satisfied, and even still have big ambitions. Japan's largest car manufacturer that wanted the Prius became the best-selling car of all product-Toyota, including the conventional engine-in the United States with a grace period until 2020.

Bob Carter, Toyota Group Vice President of U.S. Sales Division, said that, until now middle-Camry sedan is still a bestseller in America. But, the Prius wasbestseller in its segment, both Japan, U.S., and Europe.

"We will end this decade (2020) with the Prius to be number one in the industry (automotive U.S.). Camry will be shifted to a position two, but sales remained equally high, not a cannibal," Carter said, as reported by autonews (3 / 1 / 2011).

In the U.S., Toyota's Prius will complement variants starting from the current model (hatchback), a plug-in (in 2012) and the Station Wagon which will appear in the North American International Auto Show in Detroit, 10 January. Mike Michels, a spokesman for Toyota leaked, in addition to the three models, the company also presents an additional concept model without going to explain further.

Prius had strolled in the market "hybrid car" for 10 years and began to face competition from other manufacturers. End of 2010, Nissan Motor Company enliven the electric car market with Leaf and General Motors Company also released the Volt plug-in sedan.

The presence of new rivals to make the market "hybrid car" created greater.

Girl Found Supernova

A girl was 10 years old Canadian became the youngest inventor of a supernova or exploding star, according to the Royal Astronomical Association of Canada (RASC).

 Kathryn Aurora Gray of Fredericton in the eastern province of New Brunswick was found something rare in the last week as she combed dozens of imaging results in a telescopic star constellations in a galaxy far away.

"RASC is pleased to announce the discovery of a supernova by an amateur astronomer aged 10 years and thus became the youngest who can found supernova," the association said in a statement.

While observing a supernova in the constellation 2010lt camelopardalis stars in the galaxy, a distance of 240 light years from Earth, Gray immediately told his father who was an amateur astronomer named Paul.

The discovery was later proved by two American astronomers reported to the Board prior to the Joint Center for International Astronomy for Astronomical Telegrams.

Supernova are massive stars that run out of fuel and destroyed by the burden of its own gravity and become very dense objects called neutron stars.

Then they issued a shock wave that blew the star, and generate a vibrating radiation circle.

Outbreak was the most amazing phenomenon for astronomers and can be known when the powerful explosion created the dramatic lighting that eventually fade.

Is 3D technology safe for children?

The warning was in spite of the fact that the new device offers the 3D experience without needing the special glasses, just as Toshiba’s latest TV set does, which is set to be unveiled later this week at the annual Consumer Electronics Show in Las Vegas.
The Nintendo 3DS, which is due to be released next year, will give users the option of playing in 3D as opposed to the conventional 2D picture.
But in a statement on Nintendo’s website, the company cautioned that children under the age of six who use the new 3D functionality could suffer from stunted eye development as a result.
The warning echoes similar caution from Samsung earlier last year, which highlighted the potential dangers 3D technology posed to pregnant women, the elderly, children and people with serious medical conditions, just ahead of its 3D TV sets going on sale in the UK.
In April 2010 the Korean manufacturer said that the devices, which unlike the new Toshiba sets and the Nintendo 3DS require special glasses, could trigger epileptic fits or cause ailments ranging from altered vision and dizziness to nausea, cramps, convulsions and involuntary movements such as eye or muscle twitching.

Those who have been deprived of sleep or who have been drinking alcohol were also advised to avoid watching 3D television by Samsung.
However, eye experts question the validity of these warnings, and believe that these electronics companies are erring on the side of caution to avoid any potential lawsuits, just in case there are any unexpected side effects of 3D technology.
Gail Stephenson, head of the Directorate of Orthoptics and Vision Science at Liverpool University, told The Telegraph: “There is no decent scientific evidence or research at the moment to show that 3D technology cause any harm to children’s or adults eyes…I think at the moment it is more a case of these technology companies covering their backs in the current world of regular litigation.”
She added: “As with any type of activity done for a long period of time, such as sitting on the sofa while watching TV for hours on end, people may suffer some symptoms afterwards – such as headaches, blurred vision and disorientation. So I think the message to people using 3D technology is not to enjoy it without regular breaks. Whenever we put any of our bodily systems under stress, they react unusually but there is nothing to say there is anything specifically harmful about 3D technology to the eyes of children or adults.”
Indeed, Nintendo advised all 3DS users take breaks from playing 3D games as frequently as every 30 minutes to give their eyes a chance to rest.
However, Stephenson, warned that the current lack of research supporting fears about 3D’s effects did not rule out any such facts being found out in new studies in the future.

Eat vegetables if Women Want Baby Girl

There are several methods that are considered quite effective to determine the sex of the baby. There is a scientific nature, but others can be done alone. One method that is eating more vegetables if you yearn to have a baby girl.

This was revealed in a study by a team of experts from the Netherlands. They asked 32 women who already have a boy to try to "special diet girl" who is rich in calcium and magnesium.

This diet means that women should eat more salad or a menu consisting of many vegetables. Fruits and vegetables such as potatoes and bananas, the high potassium and believed to be more inclined to a baby boy, must be avoided.

The results of this study surprisingly, 26 women successfully conceive a baby girl and only 6 are pregnant baby boy.

In addition to dietary regulation, the women in this study were also asked to conceive at a certain time in the cycle of ovulation. Even so, experts believe that the high-vegetable diet as the main factor of success to have a baby girl.

The experts said the levels of minerals in the blood affect the egg is not fertilized, so more receptive to female chromosome.

Monday, January 3, 2011

oldest human fossils found ...

The team of archaeologists from the University of Tel Aviv found the oldest human fossil in the world to an estimated age of 400,000 years. The fossil consists of eight teeth are in fact already found in 2006, but the analysis to find out was only done this year. The fossil teeth were found in Cave Qesem, Rosh Ha'Ayin, Israel.

"One tooth was found in the lining of the cave which is approximately 400,000 years old, while the other tooth was found in the age of approximately 200,000 years," said Avi Gopher, head of research.

According to Gopher, is a fossil tooth fossils of Homo Sapiens has ever seen. Age 400,000 years owned this tooth fossil fossils from Africa beat 200,000 years old, that fossils are the oldest fossils so far believed. Judging from its age, estimated the fossil teeth were from the Middle Pleistocene.

This discovery, says Gopher, could open new questions about the origins of mankind. With these results, humans may not develop from Africa as it is known as the theory of "Out of Africa", but evolved from the Middle East, where the fossil tooth was found.

The findings and analysis of fossil tooth age was later published in the American Journal of Physical Anthropology. Today, the excavations in Cave Qesem continue.

"This serves to reveal any additional findings which can confirm the current findings and to understand human evolution," said Gopher.

Together with the fossil bones of this gear, he added, were also found fragments of stone tools used to cut meat and other equipment. Findings to be evidence of human social relations at that time who are familiar with the hunt, the habit of cutting and dividing the flesh of animals and the making of fire.

new comets found

Satellite Solar and Heliospheric Observatory (SOHO) has been successfully used to find the 2000 comet since its launch 15 years ago. These findings make it as a satellite skip comet discoverer of all time.

Comets to 2000 have been found by SOHO announced on December 26, 2010 and by NASA. The inventor is Michal Kusiak, astronomy student at Jagiellonian University, Poland.

Ability SOHO comet find quite interesting. Because, SOHO basically not designed to examine the comet. When launched the first time, SOHO was in charge of examining the sun's atmosphere called the corona.

When the orbit and imaged the sun, SOHO hinder the brightest and send the image to earth. Astronomers detect the comet with the view that there are spots on the bright side, a marker of a comet.

Travel satellites to find the 2000 comet takes 15 years. The time needed to step on the number 1000 is 10 years, while the time required to find the next comet in 1000 only 5 years old.

SOHO comet discovery involving 70 people with amateur and professional astronomers from 18 countries. Keseluruhanya do so voluntarily. They observed that the resulting image of the Large Angle and Spectrometric Coronagraph (Lasco), SOHO's cameras.

For coordinates, use a site to report the findings. Karl Battams which currently manages the site said, when he discovered the comet, astronomers will report directly to the site.

Furthermore, Karl will confirm the truth of every comet is found and give unofficial numbers. Data that has been given the number sent to the Minor Planet Center in Cambridge and then given an official name.

Karl Battams reveals, "There are a lot of knowledge that can be achieved by the existence of this comet. First, we know there are more comets in the solar system. They can tell where they came from and destroyed."

"Almost the entire comet discovered by SOHO comes from the same source," said Battams. according to him, 85% of the comets come from a larger comet named Kreutz which destroyed several hundred years ago.

Comets discovered with SOHO or family called Kreutz are "shepherd the sun". They moved closer to the sun and then evaporate in a few hours after its discovery.

Michal Kusiak, the inventor of the comet to 2000 alone, including an accomplished amateur astronomer. He found his first SOHO comet in 2007 and until now has been discovered 100 comets.

new ocean in africa

The geologists who conduct research in the Afar region of Ethiopia, said that 10 million years a new ocean is formed. Ocean it will split Africa into two parts.

The process of forming a new ocean has actually started from the year 2005. At that time, cracks formed along the 60 kilometers in Ethiopia. In the last 10 days the cracks had widened to 8 feet. The development of cracks is quite surprising because in theory, under normal conditions, cracks as wide as it can only be achieved in 230 years.

Cracks caused by heat encouragement and soft rock from the earth. According to scientists, the encouragement of the earth's surface causing cracks. Within 5 years later revealed that the cracks continue to widen.

So far, the eruption that occurred in the basement are still ongoing. Consequently, in the end region of Ethiopia and Somalia will be separate from the African Continent. When two separate regions, will form the strait which later developed into the sea and eventually the ocean.

"The cracks will split even further. The southern part of Ethiopia and Somalia will separate, creating a new island. And, we will have a small African and other large floating island in the Indian Ocean," said James Hammond, seismologists Bristol University who examined the Afar.

Dr Tim Wright from the University of Oxford in England said, "This is very unusual." Previously, when found in 2005, he said, "these cracks will be connected to the Red Sea so they can fill with water and form the ocean."

Confused About What To Get A Die-hard Sports Fan

Let the confusion begin! Actually, it's not that bad. Even though there are a million (or close to it) ideas for gifts when it comes to serious sports fans, there is a simple method to the madness. All you have to do is ask yourself the following three questions.

The First Question you should ask is: Does my Sports Fan (which you have challenged yourself to buy a gift for) actually participate in any sports? Many who do participate in sports, like to emulate their sports heroes and reap the benefit of exercise at the same time. If the answer is yes, this group is the easiest to buy for since you have options galore. Perhaps they are a runner and could really use a new pair of running shoes (running shop gift cards are great for this), shorts or lightweight, breathable running socks. Maybe they are a swimmer and could really use a new pair of goggles or some training equipment. A biker might need new biking gloves to pad their hands or a new helmet.

The Second Question you should ask is: Does my Sports Enthusiast's wardrobe already contain a few pieces of clothing, headwear etc., which depict their favorite team's colors, name or logo? If the answer is yes, then your sports enthusiast is definitely more than partial to their team and would most likely enjoy any Sports Memorabilia such as a current jersey, hat, jacket or t-shirt depicting his favorite team's logo, name and color. Anything your sports enthusiast can wear, especially if their team has recently won a World Series, NBA Championship etc., would be appropriate. That way they can easily show off to friends and family their new team wear.

The Third Question you should ask is: Does most of my Die-Hard Sports Fan's wardrobe consist of their favorite team's color and or contain their team's logo or name? If so, you definitely have a die-hard Sports Fan to buy for. Die-hard sports fans can be a little fickle, but are generally pretty easy to buy for. It would be best to find out what they have already and what they don't since the odds are stacked against you that you will buy something they already have. Usually if a new team design has come out and the season for their team has not yet started, you are safe to get almost anything with the new logo or color on it. By the beginning to mid-season the die-hard sports fan already has these items. However, when shopping for the die-hard sports fan, the sky is the limit. You can choose from collector plates, sports figurines, NASCAR merchandise, NFL collectibles, including Dallas Cowboys merchandise, NBA collectibles and so on.

In a nutshell, buying a gift for a sports fan used to be a great challenge. It can actually be a lot of fun now since there are more items produced each month for sports fans. The search for that perfect gift should get easier each and every year. If you can identify the type of sports fan you are buying for and follow the simple advice above, buying for a sports fan will be one of your easiest gifts to purchase.