
Monday, January 3, 2011

new comets found

Satellite Solar and Heliospheric Observatory (SOHO) has been successfully used to find the 2000 comet since its launch 15 years ago. These findings make it as a satellite skip comet discoverer of all time.

Comets to 2000 have been found by SOHO announced on December 26, 2010 and by NASA. The inventor is Michal Kusiak, astronomy student at Jagiellonian University, Poland.

Ability SOHO comet find quite interesting. Because, SOHO basically not designed to examine the comet. When launched the first time, SOHO was in charge of examining the sun's atmosphere called the corona.

When the orbit and imaged the sun, SOHO hinder the brightest and send the image to earth. Astronomers detect the comet with the view that there are spots on the bright side, a marker of a comet.

Travel satellites to find the 2000 comet takes 15 years. The time needed to step on the number 1000 is 10 years, while the time required to find the next comet in 1000 only 5 years old.

SOHO comet discovery involving 70 people with amateur and professional astronomers from 18 countries. Keseluruhanya do so voluntarily. They observed that the resulting image of the Large Angle and Spectrometric Coronagraph (Lasco), SOHO's cameras.

For coordinates, use a site to report the findings. Karl Battams which currently manages the site said, when he discovered the comet, astronomers will report directly to the site.

Furthermore, Karl will confirm the truth of every comet is found and give unofficial numbers. Data that has been given the number sent to the Minor Planet Center in Cambridge and then given an official name.

Karl Battams reveals, "There are a lot of knowledge that can be achieved by the existence of this comet. First, we know there are more comets in the solar system. They can tell where they came from and destroyed."

"Almost the entire comet discovered by SOHO comes from the same source," said Battams. according to him, 85% of the comets come from a larger comet named Kreutz which destroyed several hundred years ago.

Comets discovered with SOHO or family called Kreutz are "shepherd the sun". They moved closer to the sun and then evaporate in a few hours after its discovery.

Michal Kusiak, the inventor of the comet to 2000 alone, including an accomplished amateur astronomer. He found his first SOHO comet in 2007 and until now has been discovered 100 comets.


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